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Address4587, Oyamamachi Nishioyama, Hita Shi,
Oita Ken, 877-0201, Japan


Pick-up information

[Pick up]
We accept pick-up from Hita Station at 15:15 and 16:15.
Please note that reservations must be made in advance, so please be sure to contact us at least 3 days in advance.
*Please note that we are unable to accept applications on the day of the event.

We will drive from the inn to Hita Station at 10 and 11 o'clock.
Please make your request for the transportation at the time of check-in.

Time required from our Ryokan
to Yufuin

Train (JR)
About 1 hour 30 minutes
1 hour by car

Time required from our Ryokan
to Beppu

Train (JR) About 2 hour
1 hour 30 minutes by car

Time required from our Ryokan
to Aso

1 hour by car